Thursday, March 18, 2010

phpMyAdmin accepted for Google Summer of Code 2010

Since 2005, Google organises the, by now, well known event Google Summer of Code (GSoC). This programming event gives students the opportunity to participate in popular Open Source projects. When they successfully complete their assignment by the end of the summer, they even get paid. :)

Today, the list of mentoring organisations for GSoC 2010 was made public : phpMyAdmin, an Open Source project that provides a webinterface for popular database MySQL, written in PHP, is one of them.

From now on (18 until 29 March), would-be student participants are invited to discuss the ideas that phpMyAdmin proposes. If you're interested, take a look at the guidelines and discuss your ideas on the developers mailinglist. Other ideas are possible too.

You can find the full time line and more information on the GSoC 2010 website.

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