Tuesday, August 21, 2018

This was 2018!

Well, an intense 2018 : traveling and climbing with old and new friends, making steady progress in climbing level, learning new techniques, practising and refining them, both in climbing and professionally :
  • Config management Camp in Ghent
  • Climbing in Gorges du Tarn en Gorges de la Jonte with Vertical Thinking, including two multipitches (Le jardin enchanté, and diagonal du Gogol)
  • Climbing in Fontainebleau with Alex and Tom, doing lots of yellow, orange and blue routes in L'éléphant, Apremont and Roche aux sabots.
  • Climbing trip to Ettringen, practicing some trad techniques, first time climbing Basalt
  • Climbing trip with Vertical Thinking to Guillestre (Haut Val Durance), doing 2 nice multipitches (4-5 pitches including a 6a)
  • Climbing day with Koen and Wouter in Moha
  • Visiting Romania (Moldova and Transilvania region) with Eduard and Ecatarina : Lady's rock, Vatra Dornei, Dochia Caban and Toaca Peak, Transfagarasan, Sighisoara, Bran castel, Brasov, Iasi
  • Short citytrip in Vienna (during a 22h layover between two flights)
  • Multipitch climbing with Koen in Yvoir, also exploring Anhée
  • Climbing training working towards 6c.
  • Percona Live Europe in Frankfurt
  • Climbing trip to Siurana with Rouslan and Rat : leading my first 6b (redpoint), 6b+ toprope and projecting a 7a
  • Quick visit to Barcelona
  • Visiting 35C3 conference in Leipzig, another 4 days of infosec, IT, technology and science. First year as an 'angel', volunteering to help with some tasks at the conference. Unfortunately, bound to my hotel room due to illness for half of the conference. Luckily, all talks are recorded and streamed, so I could I could follow a few from my bed : https://media.ccc.de
  • Spending New Year's Eve in a doctor's office and looking for a pharmacy, due to earlier mentioned illness.

Plans for 2019 :
- more climbing : training for 6c/7a, fall-training to get more comfortable while leading, climbing trip to Buis-les-baronies in April, maybe a trip to Boulder, Colorado, possibly an alpine experience in the summer or a climbing trip in the US west coast in autumn
- continue Rock maintenance with Belgian Rebolting Team.
- find a new house, preferably with a small garden
- conferences : FOSDEM, Config Management  Camp, Percona Live (Austin, Texas), Percona Live Europe, 36C3
- first time Rock Werchter (Tool is coming)